fredag 6. november 2009

Tekstanalyse, "Kanskje for alltid"

Novellen ”Kanskje for alltid” er skrevet av Ingvild H. Rishøi. Den er fra novellesamlinga ”La stå” som ble gitt ut i 2007. Spesielle kjennetegn ved novellen er at den har få personer og det er få steder som er nevnt i den. Den har også en rød tråd som går igjennom hele novellen, som omhandler gutten og jenta. Temaet i novellen er kjærlighet, savn og begjær.

Novellen ”Kanskje for alltid” handler om jenta Maria som er jeg-personen og nabo gutten, Jon. Maria bor sammen med moren sin på en liten plass og har Jon som nabo. De er begge like gamle, og tilbringer mye tid sammen. Maria går alltid igjennom hullet i hekken når hun skal over til Jon, og som alltid står Jon der og åpner døren. Du får høre om forskjellige episoder, fra de leker gjemsel til de overnatter på berghylla. Maria forlater moren og Jon når hun er atten år, for å studere i byen. Hun får flere brev fra moren der hun opplyser om at katten er død og at Jon alltid står utenfor huset og venter. Maria kommer tilbake til slutt og det avslutter med at de overnatter på berghylla, og gjenopplever barndommen, men hun våkner opp uten han. Novellen følger de oppgjennom flere år, først når de er seks år, så ti, fjorten, atten og til slutt tjueto.

”Kanskje for alltid” er en tredjepersons fortelling. Der det er en som står utenfor og får innblikk i tankene til Maria, og forteller det hun føler. Det er også noen replikker mellom Jon, moren og Maria, som får oss til å føle oss mer knyttet til personen i ”Kanskje for alltid”.

Novellen starter fra de er små. ”De var seks år og lå på kne ved bekken.” Du får en presenterende start der du får vite at de er seks år. Stemningen er gledene og får man til å tenke tilbake på alle barndomsminnene. Du blir også glad av å lese tittelen til novellen, som virker som om det er noe positivt og gledelig som kommer til å skje.

Novellen er bygd opp kronologisk, fra de er små til de blir eldre. Hvert avsnitt starter med å fortelle hvor gammel de er. ”De vart ti og hun fant ham alltid.” Men det er noen frampek om at noe kommer til å skje senere. ”… han står midt på tunet og ser mot huset vårt hele dagen.” Dette får man til å tenke på hvorfor står han der hver dag og ser på huset? Men novellen slutter også med noe som skjedde i barndommen, så den er også litt sirkelkomponert, men allikevel ikke helt, pga at den da skulle ha sluttet med at de lå på kne ved bekken.

Språket er helt ordinært med noen språklige bilder som, ”…hun klamret seg som en liten ape til faren sin.” , ”Havet er mørkere blått enn himmelen.” og ”Så løsner sola fra havet.” Dette får fram en stemning i novella, i stedet for at det bare blir fortalt rett fram, som blir veldig kjedelig i lengden. Den har også et symbol.”…sitter hun stille og ser på en måke. Den stuper og stiger i buer over vannet. Hun følger den med øynene.” Med dette tror jeg de mener at alt kan gå opp og ned, og kan være litt vanskelig til tider, men at det etter en stund vil bli bedre.

I novellen så blir Maria beskrevet som en veldig sterk og omsorgsfull jente som bryr seg om Jon. Hun vil ikke høre på det moren har og si, og fortsetter og henge med han. Men det virker også som hun er litt usikker, og trenger nærhet. ”Da ville hun ikke sove alene lengre.” Hun forandret seg veldig etter at hun flyttet, da ble hun en litt ”villere” person som gjorde litt av hvert. ”Hun begynte med: Melk i kaffen og skulderveske. Joggeturer og rødvin. Pinex Forte og p-piller.” Kanskje hun ikke hadde det så bra i byen, at hun fant trøst i andre ting.

Jon blir beskrevet som en litt ustabil gutt som kanskje har en liten sykdom. ”….han står midt på tunet og ser mot huset vårt hele dagen.” Det er ingen som står hele dagen og ser på et hus, når man vet at den man venter på ikke er der. Man får også den følelsen av at jenta måtte forklare for eksempel hvordan man leker gjemsel og alt det andre til han. Følelsen av at jenta også brukte han på flere måter viser også at han var litt usikker. ”Han reiste seg, trakk buksene på, tredde beltet i slira. Hun rullet soveposen sammen.” Han virket forelsket i henne og gjorde ikke noe imot hennes vilje. Han ble med på alt.

Omgivelsene i novellen endres ganske ofte, pga at det er i forskjellige år, og at hun flytter. Men miljøet på den plassen som Maria og Jon bor, er veldig rolig og øde. Det virker ikke som det er andre som bor der, at det bare er åker og hav. ”… han står midt på tunet og ser mot huset vårt hele dagen.” ”Hun lukket øynene og hørte bølgene.”

Temaene i denne novellen er kjærlighet, lengsel, opprør og utnyttelse, mener jeg. Kjærligheten er den Jon føler for Maria, og at Maria er glad i Jon og bryr seg om han. Lengselen er den som Jon har for Maria når hun reiser inn til byen for å studere. Samtidig så er det lengselen som Maria har, til ikke å sove alene. Opprøret er det som Maria gjør mot moren, når hun egentlig får beskjed om å tilbringe mindre tid sammen med Jon, men ikke hører på det moren har å si og drar til Jon. Til slutt så har du utnyttelsen, som er at Maria på en måte bruker Jon, når de har sex på berghyllen og dette gir Jon store forhåpninger, men Maria vet at det aldri kommer til og skje noe.

Jeg selv synes at novellen var litt rar og vanskelig å tolke i starten. Man måtte konsentrere seg veldig og lese den flere ganger for å forstå hva den handlet om. Og man måtte vise kunnskap om det å lese mellom linjene. Men alt i alt så synes jeg at novellen var litt trist, pga at Jon, som ikke er helt god, føler noe for Maria, men Maria bare utnytter han. Dette er trist fordi Maria vet at han er forelsket i henne og vil gjøre hva som helst for henne, pga at han ikke er selv kan ta noen riktige beslutninger. Men alt i alt så er det en veldig bra skrevet novelle som får deg interessert og dratt med i handlingen.

torsdag 5. november 2009

Our last stop. Canada, Ottawa!

Now we are sitting at the airport after 3 days in Canada and our journey ended her.

First we landed in Ottawa, Canada’s capital. If you don’t know where Canada is, then I can tell you, that it is limit to the USA. Canada is a big country that has the world’s nest biggest area, after Russia. Canada is also the world’s northernmost country. The weather was a little bit colder there, than in Jamaica. But in Jamaica it was very hot, so it was comfortable to come to a country where the heat doesn’t knock you out. We had planned this trip very well, so we arrived to Canada on their national day, 1.july. We were looking forward to see how they celebrated the national day. We also had tickets to Celine Dion concert, so that was a beautiful ending on our trip. It was nice to see all the people in Ottawa walking around in the city. I guess everyone was outdoor, because it was almost impossible to walk in the street without being smashed like a sandwich between the crowed. So I feel a little bit bad if it was like that all over the country, with 33.500 000 inhabitants. It was nice to hear the people talking, because some of them talked French and some talked English. So you had to be concentrating when you were going to have a conversation. We had got an order from our mothers before we started our journey. We had to buy 3 glasses with Maple syrup before we traveled back to Norway. To be honest it wasn’t so hard. It was small shops all around in the city with Maple syrup. We had no idea about what Maple syrup was before we were in Canada. The Maple syrup is made out from the sap of some maple trees. Because the trees stores sugar in their roots before the winter and the sap can be tapped and concentrated when the spring comes. So we both bought three bottles.

At the evening we went to Celine Dion concert, it was a magical experience. The mood was just incredible, but that isn’t so hard to understand when it was Celine Dion that stood on the stage. As it had been earlier, there was A LOT of people there. It felt like all the 822 600 that lives in Ottawa was on that concert. But we didn’t mind that at all. It was just a feeling that will follow me forever. The next day, we was just walking around in the city and shopping. And we ended up at the Museum of Nature. The building looked like a castle from the outside, so we thought that this was something we couldn’t miss. At the museum we saw an exhibit of all the world as well as Canada’s mammals, birds and plants evolution, and the Viola MacMillan Mineral Gallery exhibits a collection of minerals that are in the world class. That was a surprising experience. After that we just relaxed and packed our suitcases.

So know we are sitting at the airport in Ottawa and thinking back on the incredible journey we have experienced together. We are both agreeing about the fact that we must repeat this again in the future.

Love from me!

Jamaica, Kingston!

Now we are exhausted after all the things we have done today, but it have been a lot of fun after all. First we landed in Jamaica’s capital, Kingston. Kingston is a beautiful town who is located southeast in Jamaica, with 600 000 inhabitants. Did you know that it was the Englishmen that founded Jamaica in 1693? That is a new thing we learned today. We checked in to the hotel Hilton, and did set the luggage at the room before we went away to The Bob Marley museum. We are both big fans of his music, so it was a must that we had to see the museum. On our way to his old home we was walking around and singing his most famous song, “No women, no cry.” Unfortunately Bob Marley died in 1981, because he did get cancer in his toe and it spread to the rest of his body so he died 36 years old. But in his short life, he established to do a lot. He was so popular that they made his house to a museum, which is open for everybody.

Finally we were at the museum. It was a long walk from the hotel to the museum, but the place that was waiting for us made it so much better. Unfortunately it was a long, long, long row that we had to stand in before we entered. But it was worth it. I felt that I got more attach with Bob Marley after this visit. It was so fun to see the place where he did sleep and eat. In one of his rooms, there were all his instruments hanging, which he did us when he was playing the music. Bob Marley was the king of reggae down in Jamaica and he still is, so that was a memory for life. After we had been in the museum for a while we found a table at Hard Rock Café, and took a snack and some drink. Believe it or not, but when we came to the café the first thing we saw was a picture with the lyric of Bob Marley’s song “Jammin”, and it was handwritten by himself. Could the day be any better?

Yes, it could. We were walking past the King’s house, also known as the Government House. At the same time we were passing by, the guards had a guard change. How big was the probability that it was going to happen at the same time we was walking past. At least I learned a lot about the King’s house when we were looking at the guard change, because Karoline knew a lot. So she told me that the King’s house is the building where the Governor-General of Jamaica’s residence is. The building did get destroyed by an earthquake in 1907, but it did get restoration soon after. So I actually learned a lot under the ten minutes we was standing there.

Than we took our feet in motion again and or next stop was the national gallery of art. Since Karoline is such a big fan of art, it was her dream to visit the gallery when they had the annual National Visual Arts Exhibition and competition. That is one time in the year, when they have an exhibition where they are showing the latest works of the adults and the youths from Jamaica. I have never seen Karoline so interested in something before. It was fun to watch, and the picture was very beautiful whit a lot of expression as well.

After a long and events full day, we decided to take a taxi home to the hotel. So now we are lying at the big bed and watching TV. The hotel room is just so amazing that we don’t have words of how beautiful it is. With two baths, two big double beds and an incredible view over the city. Now we are going to order some room service and jump to bed. Tomorrow it is a new day, with new opportunities. Good night everyone, see you tomorrow. Then the journey goes to Canada.
Love from me!

Australia, Sydney 2

Now we just got home from the military tattoo, my brother was attending. He was representing the Norwegian HMKG and the tattoo held place at Odyssey stadium. That is the old Olympic stadium that was used for the 2000 summer Olympics in Sydney. There were many countries from all over the world that attending on this event. But of course it was the Norwegian HMKG that was the best, they did get standing applause. It was a marvelous show that ended with a beautiful firework that made the evening a fairytale. Afterwards we ate dinner with my brother, and now we are sitting at the hotel and packing our suitcases, because tomorrow morning the journey goes to Jamaica.

Love from me!

Australia, Sydney!

Now we are sitting at a café again, but now we are hiding from the sun. It’s so hot her, we are just praying for some wind. But it doesn’t seem like it is coming. Instead I can tell you about when we were at the Sydney’s opera house earlier. The first thing you see is how marvelous the building is. The shell-sections looks like a fleet of white sailing ship that you often see in Sydney’s harbor, and it is so big that they used 1 056 000 white glazed granite tiles to cover it. The opera house is so big that there is almost 1000 rooms included five theater halls, five exercise studios, two main halls, four restaurants, six bars and numerous of souvenir shops. We was so blown away of that beautiful building that we was just walking around and admire the incredible piece of work, but we managed to observe that the opera house did get completed in 1973. It is on the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Thousands of people visit the building every year and the architect was Jørn Utzon from Denmark. So now we are sitting at the café and just relaxing before we are going to Bondi Beach. The beach is lying seven kilometers from Sydney city and is one of the most famous beaches in the world. There are thousands of visitors every year that is enjoying the stay at the one kilometer long beach. The beach is divided in two. The southern side is rated as seven of ten, because it is so dangerous. It is the underwater currents that make it so dangerous, but the northern side is just rated to four. So we are looking forward to lie on the beach and tan for some hours.

Love from me!

Australia, Canberra!

I don’t have words to describe how beautiful it is her.
Now I am sitting on a cafe at the harbor with my
friend, Karoline, and looking at the beautiful view. I can see Sydney’s opera house bathing in the sun with the Sydney city behind. It is nice to sit down for a while. The trip started in Trondheim, and the flight took almost 11 hours. We spend two days in Canberra, before we traveled here to Sydney. We enjoyed the stay in Canberra a lot, but the time went so fast. After all, we did see a lot when we were there. The parliament house was one of the things we visited. There was a guide that followed us around, and believe it or not the parliament is built in 1927. The same year that Canberra did get the big proud of being Australia’s capital. I must tell the capital was beautiful with the Molonglo River that cut’s the city in two. The city looks like a big park, with small lakes. It’s a must to see this beautiful piece of work.
After a long night with partying, we decided that we had to go to a quiet place. The old man in the reception at the hotel, recommended the national botanical garden. The garden is located at the foot of Black Mountain. It is one of the greatest gardens in the world. You can find all the flowers that exist in Australia in that garden, it’s just amazing. It was like a fairytale walking around, we went through a rainforest and mountain areas with special climate zones. The flowers and the nature made such an impression that it was impossible to not love it. The time went so fast, so we went back to the hotel and changed clothes before we went to Canberra stadium to watch Brumbies play a rugby match against Canberra Raiders. Both teams are well known in Australia, so it was a match about Australia’s proud on Canberra stadium. Canberra stadium are mostly used to play rugby and the league in Australia are playing there. The match ended 62-62, and it was a funny experience for us who are BIG rugby fans. So now we are sitting her at the café, where we are going to eat before we take a taxi to Sydney’s opera house.
Love from me!


Hello everybody! My friend Karoline and I are going on a vacation together. Our first stop is Australia, followed by Jamaica and Canada. I hope you will follow our journey and hear about all our adventures!

Love from me!